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Morgan’s School of Highland Dance

  • Why Take Highland Dance? Jig Shoes | Morgan's School of Highland Dance

    Why Take Highland Dancing?

    According to Wikipedia: Highland dancing is a competitive and technical dance form requiring technique, stamina, and strength, and is recognised as a sport by the Sport Council of Scotland. By signing your child up…

  • What to wear to class | Morgan's School of Highland Dance

    What to Wear to Class

    Dancers should come to class in dance wear that allows the teacher to see body lines in order to correct technique. Best options are a body suit or biking shorts and fitted top/tank. Other…

  • Medal Testing medals | Morgan's School of Highland Dance

    Medal Testing

    Morgan’s School of Highland Dancing offers BATD testing each Spring. Dancers as young as 3 years old can start with Tartan Tots and over the years dancers can progress towards the teacher’s exam. Morgan’s…

  • Heather & Wendy Morgan at Folklore Festival Thunder Bay | Morgan's School of Highland Dance

    Our Teachers

    Principal Teacher Trained by Wendy Morgan, Heather Morgan is our Principal Teacher. Heather has her B.A.T.D. Members in Highland and National and is a Registered Early Childhood Educator with over 25 years of experience…

  • Our Mandate | Morgan's School of Highland Dance

    Our Mandate

    At Morgan’s School of Highland Dancing, we strive to teach traditional Highland and National dancing with passion and high standards. We aim to teach at the level of the dancer, with constant encouragement to…